Month: July 2023

Peer Review

Learning Pod: #2

Peers’ Names: Gracen Dickey, Jenna Dickie, Katie McCarvill, Sophie Walters, Reid Taylor

Interactive Learning Resource Topic: Art Therapy

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing:

First of all, from simply reading the blueprint, I can tell how prepared and fired up you guys are on creating this resource. I can see that you have an clear view and understanding over your topic, while having each components (assessment, target audience, delivery method and platform , as well as the subtopics) that builds up to this resource broken down and planned out. One thing that I think is missing would be the declarations. As if for now, I believe that all of us did not have enough time to build a completed course that is ready to be applied in the real world. Most of our main platforms is only at the post-skeleton level of the construction. With more declarations, I believe this course would be â€śready to eat”for your target audiences. If I have to say another missing component, I would say that poetry could be explored more. (Because I like poetry, but I understand that this topic may not suit your targeted audience)

Provide a summary of the Interactive Learning Resource’s strength and weakness. Draw out specific examples from your peers’ work to justify your feedback:

(Due to VPN problems, I have to operate on my phone, which means that I cannot create  bullet points, I’ll put a space in between instead. I apologize if anything looks odd.)


Having a clear plan and image of the course – can be seen in the blueprint.

The usage of videos is clear and easy to understand to your targeted audience.

Each section is organized well and have engaging assignments.

The topic is suitable within a school environment. (Able to be taught directly in schools)


Online limitations – nearly all of the activities  and teachings seems better to be completed in person, especially considering your target audience.

Perhaps give a bit more freedom of selection to your topics – Letting students choose which topic they like to participate and learn more. This will make the students find their interests, and they would be much more welling to learn and participate.

Provide general, specific, and practical recommendations to your peers on how to improve their Interactive Learning Resource:

( Again, I cannot use bullet points, I apologize for this inconvenience)

Decorate the google classroom a bit more to give it more selling points and able to hook students in.

Make the course more in person, as I believe the in person method is more suitable.

Make the subtopics pick and choose for students. Or let them choose a topic after being taught the general information to focus on.

(Maybe explore a little more in poetry?)

Blog Post #4 Interaction

This video would create a type of chemical reaction within the student body, showing them just how precise AI can be in imitating others writing or speaking styles. At the same time, showing modesty to its users. It forces responses in two directions, one being the side where students admire what AI can accomplish, and the side that’s more important is where the students move on and question what limitations AI has after having to see what it can accomplish. The reason for this importance is because it causes debates amongst students.

I would first host a poll for what AI can or cannot accomplish, specifically in writing or speaking. This would help students understand AI’s strengths and weaknesses, and why it is so important in present literature and script writing. Then I would provide three activities for students to pick-and-choose which one to participate. The first being a mass debate on limitations on AI for writing. The second requires the students to be assigned to groups and each make a script acting as their favorite celebrity, then finding the similarities between each script, hence the flaws of AI. The final being an individual activity that requires the students to write a short paragraph for a self-selected completed assignment from other classes with the help of AI, then comparing it with the original work; finding similarities and differences. These activities would need the students to have access over zoom, google doc or any form of online writing application, and ChatGPT or any form of AI like such.

Students would be asked to submit their process and product in Google Classroom or through Emailing to me. They will either get their feedback through Google Classroom or Email. If any questions about the feedback occur, students can reach me through email to either book an appointment or wait for a response which will be within the 24 hour range from when those emails are sent.

All three activities require minimum work, the aim for having three activities is to fit each student’s needs and give them freedom to choose between which one to participate. All three activities have similar outcomes, which is for students to get more familiar with AI and its usage, as well as understanding its similarities and limitations. All three activities are all manageable and worthwhile when put in the eyes of our target audience, junior university students, those activities are a mixture of fun and learning. Each of them are made to handle any amount of students, however some tweaking is needed for the first. For the first activity, if it’s faced with a larger number of students, it will be needed to separate the participants into groups in zoom, and I will hop around between groups to make sure they are progressing smoothly.


vlogbrothers. (2022). AI tell me if AI will write novels. YouTube. Retrieved July 24, 2023, from 

Blog Post #3 Inclusive Design

I respect good teachers, not just because of how much insight they have over their ideal subject, but the constant effort they put in when designing their courses to ensure that students come out of the course with joy and knowledge. One crucial aspect of a great teacher is having high emotional intelligence. Understanding the students is the only way to get close enough to them to affect their attitude towards learning. All this draws alignments with inclusive learning, creating an environment where every learner’s weaknesses or needs are recognized. I believe that being a teacher, they must make sure that every student learns equally and efficiently.

With that in mind, it is a habit of mine to split my subtopic (work) away from the overall learning resource; I see it as building a unique shelter within the broad land that contains the rest of the group.

As a whole, I believe we should act flexibly when approached with the problem of “ensuring that the needs of all learners can be met.” We will have a tutorial session for each subtopic that is listed, as well as a portable session that can be requested and accessed at all times. We will also reply to any concerns or questions through email, acknowledging that some students dislike being in mass discussions. Another aspect that we should keep as stable is sticking with the method of pre-recorded lectures whenever needed; this gives freedom to all the students participating. We will also provide loose due dates for assignments and give the students multiple methods and forms the assignments could be. We will also try our best to provide as much feedback as possible to make sure that students can understand their mistakes and be complimented for their accuracy.

For instance, in my subtopic, which is about literature. The assignment that I want to give to my students is a compare and contrast assignment for two pieces of work, one produced by AI and one produced by humans. However, the uniqueness comes from what type of work it could be. Due to literature being closely linked with art, I would expect the “work” to be in the form of paintings, lyrics sheets, videos, poems, writings, or anything that draws a link to these categories—giving the student as much freedom as possible.

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