Category: Post 2

Blog Post #2 Learning Design II

Open pedagogies are the learning environment approach where freedom is maximized. Students learn through creation, collaboration, and engagement. Students often end up creating the learning information themselves. This approach manages to go beyond the method of constructivism; although it tasks the learners within to learn through constant new creation, or in other terms, experience, open pedagogies are not solely based on creations. It encourages students to actively participate in shaping their learning experiences and engaging with authentic, real-world contexts, which challenges the student’s openness to learning. I do not blame learning methods failed to define an approach to a learning environment, as an environment acts as the influencer in learning where it affects everyone within. The environment constructed by contributors such as instructors and students sets the tone of learning, while those learning methods are the cherry on top, operating within the environment. In the specific learning environment approach of open pedagogies, the method of constructivism fits the best, as there are plenty of alignments between these two.

As for its alignment with our chosen topic for the learning design assignment, it is little to none. The topic of AI requires more of an experiential learning or direct instruction approach to operating, as our main goal is for students to understand how to utilize AI in general and specific subjects such as health care, economics and literature. In short, experiential learning is learning through direct experience with the material; where the student do, connect, practice, and reflect during the experience. Direct instruction is where all the information is gathered from the teacher, which makes learning more uniform and immediate, such as lectures. However, as for my subtopic with literature, I challenge students to make unique creations with the help of AI. During the making of their creations, students will get more familiar with AI, as well as realize the downsides of AI. Although not completely, some aspects of an open pedagogies approach is utilized in my subtopic.

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